Or queso or fromage or Käse. Whatever you please.

There’s an enormous difference between being a critic and a reviewer. The reviewer reacts to the experience of that [film]. — Christopher Lehmann-Haupt

I beg you, learn to see ‘bad’ films; they are sometimes sublime. — Ado Kyrou

Film is not the art of scholars, but illiterates. — Werner Herzog

We’ve been fans of horror, cult classics, and trash forever (seemingly our entire lives), and since half the time we spend talking to one another is on the subject, we decided to finally just put it all on the record. So here are our reviews (experiences!) of gialli and horror, and whatever other sleazy, psychotronic, suspenseful, blood-spattered movies we dig up.

Who we are:

Fisty studied Classics Mediæval Studies English History at Cornell College UofO PSU and makes great use of her degree at the lol-iday inn Netflix home. She and her husband Eli and their little baby dudes live in SE PDX with their two kitties kitty Lou and Sugar. When not eating, working, watching movies, reading, or talking shit on the internet, Fisty is probably asleep playing with her baby dude. She loves spoilers, and would cheerfully spoiler every single movie covered here if Billermo would let her. Fisty like tacos and ’71 Cabernet. Her favorite color is magenta.

Bill is neither a cineaste nor a cinephile, or anything with “cine” in it.  He is a movie buff. He lives, if you can call it that, in Cleveland, surrounded by stacks of books, movies, comics and pornographic magazines. He works, if you can call it that, a few blocks away, surrounded by stacks of books, movies, comics and pornographic magazines, which he is expected to sell. When he isn’t working (most of the time–after all, print is dead) he doesn’t do much of anything else. The rare times when he’s not doing absolutely nothing, you can find him at any of a number of local movie theaters, where he smuggles in booze. He once ate a cigarette for no reason. He likes turtles, zombies and fruity herbal teas. His favorite color is green and he’s never seen Valley Girl.

Why pb&gialli if we cover other genres? We could make some kind of pop culture metaphor or ramble about our casual approach to reviewing, but it’s really because Fisty likes stupid jokes, and we are dorks.

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